How do I find metadata sheets?

How do I find metadata sheets?

Finding multiple entries (search panel)

The search panel is like a drawer. You can collapse it or expand it by cliking on it.

It contains search criterias for the current catalogue. They may vary from one catalogue to the other.

The search criterias are of four main types :

  • Full text search : to look for keywords
  • Treeview checkboxes : to look for pre-defined terms under categories (parameters, projects, platforms, instruments, levels, sites).
    • Select items from the list
    • Clicking a « parent » will select it and its « children »
    • You can use the field at the top of each treeview criteria to filter the view
  • Temporal extents : to look for a particular period in time
    • Two date pickers representing the start and the end of the extent you want to search
    • You can select one date and not the other, or select both
  • Spatial extents : to look for a particular geographical area
    • If you know the coordinates your are looking for, you can type them in the number fields
    • You can also select an area by clicking on the « Map » button
      • click on the pencil to activate « draw mode »
      • click once to set the first corner of the rectangle
      • the second click sets the opposite corner of the rectangle and closes it
      • click on the crossed-out pencil to exit « draw mode »
      • click on the « close » button at the to right corner to validate your selection

Apart from the « Full text search », you can open/close all criterias by clicking on their name.

Click on the « search » button to validate your query. You can also hit the « enter » key when the cursor is in the « Full text search » field.

Click on the « reset » button to reset all the criterias.

Sharing a search

Once you launch the search, the results panel opens. You can then copy a link to this same search by clicking the button at the top (see image below).

Finding / sharing one particular entry

If you know the uuid of the entry, you can either :

  • Paste it in the « Full text search » field of the search panel or,
  • Add it to url of the catalogue as a parameter (e.g.…-0000)

Some of the entries have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). They usually have a link containing this DOI (e.g. You can follow this link to land on the page of the metadata entry.

When viewing a particular entry, you can click the « Copy link » button next to the main title.


When launching a search, you might get notifications with a red background.

  • « No result corresponding to your request » : This means your search is too specific. Try removing some of the criterias before trying again.
  • « Please select some criteria in the search panel » : This means you should at least provide one criteria before searching again.
